Article posted on: 28 February 2021
Please see the below statement received from Snowsport Scotland
(National Governing Body) in response to the Scottish Governments announcement on Tuesday 23rd February 2021.
Scottish Government Update
"As of early January, additional restrictions were required to control the spread of the C-19 virus given the emergence of new strains of the virus that were more transmissible.
As you’re aware, the additional restrictions included the requirement for snowsports centres to close. This requirement is still in place i.e. snowsports centres are required to remain closed at present.
Restrictions are being reviewed at 3 weekly intervals with the next review being scheduled for mid-March. At that point, we are working towards providing clarity to snowsports centres regarding a potential date for their re-opening.
As you’ll appreciate, a number of uncertainties remain about the effect of even minor changes to restrictions on C-19 case numbers particularly given what we know about new variants and the impact of the vaccination programme. Consequently, any changes to restrictions - and indications of timelines for these – may be subject to change as they will be guided by the data and not dates."
Please stay safe and well in the meantime and we assure you that as soon as we can open for our members and visitors we will be good to go!